
Do you ever have something so memorable that it will always be special to you? Well, we had a great visit with Cobb, the handicapped dog. Cobb was paralyzed from a car accident from the waist down. This did not slow him down one bit, and his foster parents saw that. Cobb’s original foster family fell too in love with him and knew they had to take him into their home permanently. He got his wheelchair and easily gained the confidence again to get up and to move.

Cobb is “handi-capable,” as his license plate says, and he shows that in every way possible. Keeping everyone stunned as he races into their room, excited to meet them. He was made for this job. Surprisingly, Cobb has HIS OWN tour bus and travels around the nation to meet fans and spread joy everywhere he goes. Sharing his strength, happiness, and big smile all around.