
On a sunny spring day in April, we had the pleasure of hosting Mr. and Mrs. Queen, the previous owners of 294 Rope Mill Road (also known as Camellia Place). As it was their first time visiting the property since selling it to become the home of Camellia Place, we wanted their trip to be a special one. They were overwhelmed at the beauty of their property as well as the purpose it will serve as seniors move to our community for assisted living care. A lifelong legacy if you will. The couple told stories about how Mrs. Queen planted the black walnut trees that were used in creating the beautiful library conference table where they were seated. Interestingly, she said the power company complained that she had planted the trees under the power lines. We appreciate her leaving the trees there, regardless of what the power company had to say.

The Queens visit Camellia Place.

Later in the Queens’ visit, our founders Lauren and Denise presented the couple with unique and special ink pens. The pens were made from the same wood of the black walnut trees: the same wood that created our library table, and the same wood that the power company had words about so long ago. The pens are a part of a special collection crafted by a woodworker in North Carolina.

Camellia Place is a place of legacy. While the two black walnut trees are no longer standing, their impact on us, and on the Queens, lives on.